To attract wealth there are amulets, good luck charms and money, which are designed to attract the financial wealth and prosperity. Ready mascot insert in the area of wealth in the house or take with you. Amulets to raise funds for are a great element to the secondary impact to improve the financial situation of the family. Amulet of luck and money can be alone. For example, to find the coins amaze with the help of pieces of wax, decorate the tree, the money in red tape desk.
What is the amulet

The talisman or amulet is an object or a piece of jewelry to which the man gives the magical property of a tool that should bring good fortune, happiness, to be a talisman from negative energy. The holders of amulets always carry them on the body to attract the soul with positive energy, favors the life of a man of white magic. To attract financial prosperity in the family, the owners of the home store, the mascot in the crevices of an apartment or a house. The amulet is not necessary to flaunt to the abundance of negative energy, output by people outside.
Such as good luck charms attract money
For a long time, people thought of ways to bring financial well-being. Talismans lucky charms and money since ancient times have been made white magicians, psychics, and sages. With the passage of time it becomes more and more difficult to find an effective way to improve the monetary component of life. Most people have forgotten this method of attracting success. Amulets to attract money and good fortune to attract his owner's not so much the money, as successful in his business, work, business. The mascot can be any object, for example, the iron horse, the plants.
Cash amulets, attracting wealth, is decorated with ancient symbols, runes, images of the zodiac sign. Amulets are often carried out in green, purple, red - contribute to win large sums of money in search of valuable treasures. Understand as talismans bring good luck and money, you can also on own experience of the use of a tool such as the chest amulet.
To attract luck in business, banking, magical object need to load it correctly: during the full moon mascot put in large bills, gold jewelry (rings, pendants, bracelets), light a candle and to drip on a mascot of the essential oil of clover, display during the execution of the desires in the field of finance, the amount of the desired account. These rites symbolize successful business transactions.
The image runes
Classically is applied on the internal side of the bag or on the bottom of the piggy bank, metal safe. Talismans runes were used in charms, rituals and magic, the recruitment and retention of wealth - the fertility of the soil, the health of the cattle, and good trading. Some of the emperors, the great merchants and traders so strongly believed in the virtue of this powerful talisman, that burned or scraped to the école runes on his own body. For the image to fit:
- fahu - similar to the Latin "F", allegra upward;
- inguz - the rune of abundance and fertility, a diamond with a "mustache";
- uruz - the symbol of the sun, action and success.
The figures of animals

The ancients believed in the sacredness of domestic and wild animals, their ability to bring money, fortune, glory. To do in the house and in the yard tried of these animals. If for some reason the animal that produces wealth and well-being, of having a non - used one of their images and figures. Amulets were natural noble materials: wood, red, ivory, gold. Do the figure must necessarily alone. The most common animals-talismans are:
- frog;
- domestic cats;
- cow;
- the elephants (with the trunk up).
Non-exchangeable banknotes
One of the most effective amulets of enrichment is Not exchangeable for monetary banknote or coin. The nominal size is not important, but it is desirable that this was a great bill. Non-variable banknote necessarily have to be stored separately and in a secluded place, away from prying eyes, as it is believed that the foreigners steal the energy of money. In addition, the notes and coins for cash mascot should choose from found or donated - it promotes an easy gain.
Precious stones
The alternative is Not exchangeable currency can become precious stones . The most a good choice for this amulet you will not be treated, not purified stone, preferably from or found. If you use the gems from the shop, can be less effective. This is due to the "mending" energy of the stone in the course of treatment or while in the possession of another person. The most powerful amulet-stone recognized as an emerald.
Amulet of luck and money with their hands
Amulets, good luck charms and money with the hands taken to do since the beginning of their use. Manufacturer mascot with hands repeatedly strengthens its action, because it "remembers" the owner, creator, and directs all the strength of a specific person. The manufacture of amulets can be of any waste materials, especially, to study the appropriate options, the amulets, the principles of their action on the chakras. How to make a mascot for the money, you can discover on the thematic forums, see the methods of production of amulets video.
Imperial amulet
To make only the imperial coin is very simple:
- you need to choose a night (full moon);
- in the dark to put the selected a coin on a piece of red cloth;
- tie the thread to the color green;
- prayer-the request of well-being;
- hide the amulet in a secluded place.
Special magical cable

Amulet of luck and money in the form of special, magical cable can be manufactured as follows:
- take thick filaments (wool or silk), yellow, green, red;
- weave into a braid or other shape cross-linked;
- the formation of the cable must imagine success, a prosperous life;
- cable is worn with it.
Bag with the herbs
For the production of apotropaic with the herbs, you need to:
- pre-collect and dry the herbs (mint, thyme, thistle);
- take a bag made of the tough fibres of flax (would be better if the fabric for the bag manufacture by yourself);
- fold the grass;
- hide behind an icon or between the books.
Cash tangle
This mascot will help you attract money and wellness. For its production you need to:
- take a coin and wool yarn color green;
- roll up the wire, until the tangle of the state;
- fasten the ends of thread in a tangle of pins;
- hang an amulet with the inner part of the door.